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Shintani Scholarships

The Wado Kai Student Development Fund is proud to offer two (2) annual scholarships of $1,000 and one (1) annual scholarship of $1,000 (courtesy of the Jean Foster Memorial Fund) to the top three applicants who best demonstrate well roundness in academic accomplishments, extracurricular activities, and karate achievements.

Eligibility Criteria


  1. The applicant must be a member of the Shintani Wado Kai Karate Federation (SWKKF).  The applicant will either be a student or a parent/guardian of a student:

    1. If the applicant is the student, he/she will be judged on their academic accomplishments, extracurricular activities and karate achievements.

  2. If the applicant is a parent/guardian of the student, the application will be judged on:

    1. The student’s academic accomplishments and extracurricular activities

    2. The parent/guardian’s karate achievements

  3. The student must be applying to or continuing in a post-secondary institution such as university, college, technological institute, teacher’s college, etc.

  4. The student’s academic success (e.g. grades) must be sufficient to allow admittance into the post-secondary institution or continuance from one year to the next.

  5. All sections of the application must be received by June 30, 2022.  Email submissions will be accepted until midnight and mailed submissions must be postmarked by the deadline.

Submit Your Application Today

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