"The Shintani Wado Kai Karate Federation is non-profit, inclusive organization modeling Hanshi Shintani's kindness and humility, through the teaching of his traditional karate and Shindo."

News Alert
Shichidan Rank Adancements
Sensei Shelley McGregor and Sensei James Freeman advance to Shichidan (7th Dan)
Volunteer Opportunities
Are you looking to gain some volunteer experience? The SWKKF is looking for an individuals to join the Audit Committee and the Judging Training.
Sensei Ron Mattie inducted into the Canadian Black Belt Hall of Fame
With great pride, the SWKKF Senate and membership would like to congratulate Sensei Ron Mattie, for being inducted into the Canadian Black Belt Hall of Fame at Gatineau, Quebec on Saturday, November 2nd, 2024.
Hanshi Shintani Appointing his SWKKF Successor - Denis Labbe
November 1, 1997, Hanshi Shintani appointed Sensei Denis Labbe as his successor for the Shintani Wado Kai Karate Federation.
Hanshi Shintani authorizes the SWKKF Senate
February 13, 1999, Hanshi Shintani authorizes the SWKKF Senate to promote Karatedoh in North America and to accept affiliations to the SWKKF.
Senate Appointment Announcement
The SWKKF Senate is pleased to announce Sensei Kris Reynolds has been appointed to the senate.
Hanshi Shintani Legacy Photo Search
We are searching for more historical photos and videos of Hanshi Shintani. Please add your photos and videos to the archive by going to the Photo Archive page and clicking on the link.
About the SWKKF
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Legacy - Photos / Videos
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